Northfields Professional Cleaning by Prime Cleaners London

Prime Cleaners London Northfields

Here is a testimonial from our client who will provide you with interesting information about the professional cleaning which we do in Northfields London. Find us at 020 3745 4388

professional cleaning

Are you too exhausted from your work and do not enjoy the fact that you should come home every day and find more work and cleaning chores to do? We can help you put your mind at ease and spare you the work. You can hire our professional cleaners to do the work for you. Our company is a multi-services cleaning agency and we are qualified to help you with any cleaning job.

You can contact us at any time and you can tell our assistants what you need help with. Whether it is a weekly cleaning for your home or your office, or help with your greasy oven’s cleaning, we will get it done. We are professionals and we work in Northfields. We have adaptable packages and economical prices.

Professional Cleaning Price in Northfields

Cleaning ServicesPrices
Deep Cleaning from £145
Carpet and Sofa Cleaning from £55
End of Tenancy Cleaning from £116
Domestic Cleaning from £20/h

Minimum call out charge for carpet cleaning £55

We are a reliable company and we have been working with office managers, home owners, landlords and estate agents, even tenants with their cleaning needs. We have experience and we work with friendly but tested and efficient methods to satisfy your cleaning needs whatever they might be.

We are offering you to trust us with any cleaning job because we know we can deliver you the results you want. We will give you perfect results in no time. Our cleaning teams work expediently and they know the intricacies in their work. Our packages are convenient always personalised.

Anyone can trust us and hire any of our cleaning services. We offer professional cleaning help to business owners, home owners, office managers, etc. Our list of professional cleaning services includes – domestic or office cleaning, deep cleaning, end of tenancy cleaning, carpet cleaning, oven cleaning, etc.

More areas where you could find us: Bayswater, Shepherds Bush and Notting Hill.

Make sure you choose the best for your home or office. Call our company right away. We are champions in Northfields and we provide first-class professional cleaning services.

West London Homes Cleaned

  • 947 Carpets cleaned
  • More than 1500 homes protected
  • 450 Ovens cleaned
  • 281 House cleaned on daily base
Specially Treated Tasks Done

  • Over 1400 Deep cleaned homes
  • 818 Mattresses disinfected
  • More than 900 tenants and landlords use us
  • 287 Upholsteries cleaned
Customer Reviews
5 star 82%
4 star 9%
3 star 5%
2 star 3%
1 star 1%

I do not know which team of housekeepers you sent to our home last week but I do not believe I could praise or thank them enough. I had just come back home from a business trip and I was worried about the condition I would find my home in. Those cleaners did exceed my expectations.


If only the cleaning of your house was as easy as getting it dirty. What if we tell you that there is a way to make it easier? Call our company and we will provide the professional cleaning service that you need. Don’t worry, there is not a single stain in your house which we can’t tackle with ease.

If you decide to trust us we will send you the most well-experienced cleaners in Northfields who will make sure that your house is going to look sparkling clean and you will be able to enjoy your home’s comfort. You can call us every single day of the week, including the weekends.