How to keep your gardening gloves clean and in good condition?

There is a wide range of tools that are used around the garden. However, the ones that are used the most are certainly the hands of the gardener. Gardening gloves are important. They protect your hands and help you work better. This is why it is so important to keep them clean and in good condition. A well-maintained pair of gloves will give you enough flexibility and support when you most need them.

Gardening gloves can be made from leather, cotton, latex, neoprene, or synthetic materials. Depending on this, washing techniques and products may vary. While the cleanliness of gardening gloves is definitely not the most important thing, washing them after handling chemicals or diseased plants in order to prevent spreading toxic materials or disease around and help the gloves last longer.

Here is what you will need in order to clean your gardening gloves:

  • sink or bucket
  • washing machine
  • mesh bag
  • garden hose
  • soft-bristled nylon brush
  • microfiber cloth
  • laundry detergent
  • leather soap
  • leather conditioner
  • bar of soap
  • dish soap

How to wash cotton or synthetic knit gloves

  1. Rinse away loose soil – use a bucket full of water or a garden hose in order to remove all loose soil. It will make it easier if you keep your gloves on and rinse them under running water. Try rubbing them together if some of the dirt is hard to remove.
  2. Pre-treat stains – use a dab of laundry detergent and rub it on the hard-to-remove stains. You can use your fingers or a soft-bristled brush. Let it sit for about 10 minutes. This will give the product enough time to break down the stain.
  3. Wash the gloves – you can wash the gloves in the washing machine with similar colours and a number of different materials. If you prefer to hand wash them, use cold water and regular detergent. Squeeze out the gloves a few times and change the soapy water with a fresh one. Do not wring them in order to remove excess water.
  4. Air-dry – do not put your gloves in the dryer. Instead, hang them to dry. Keep in mind that the heat can damage the neoprene palms of your gloves.

How to wash latex gloves

Latex gardening gloves are perfect for handling fertilisers, pesticides, and other chemicals. If used for that, wash separately in order to prevent their spreading. Lucky for you, cleaning them is rather easy.

  1. While still wearing them, keep them under running cold water. This will remove most of the solid dirt.
  2. Wash them with a bar of soap or some dishwashing liquid. Do not take them off while doing this. For tough stains, use a soft-bristled nylon brush to rub and scrub them.
  3. Rinse them – take the gloves off and rinse them well under running cold water.
  4. Hang your gloves and allow them to air-dry. If the gloves do not dry fast enough, mildew may form on the inside of your gloves. When they are dry on the outside, turn them inside out and allow them to completely dry.

To wash leather gloves

Leather gloves offer the most protection when it comes to handling thorny branches, and heavy stones. However, they may not be the finest tool if you need something done with precision.

  1. Brush them – use a soft-bristled brush in order to remove any loose soil. If they are damp or wet, allow them to dry before taking this step.
  2. Wash them using saddle or leather soap. You should not use regular laundry detergent. Apply it with a microfiber cloth and do circular motions in order to remove all the soil. When the gloves are clean, dampen a cloth and wipe away the soapy residue. Allow the gloves to air-dry away from direct heat or sunlight.
  3. Condition your leather gloves – that will keep the leather soft and supple. Once your gloves are dry, use linseed oil or a commercial leather conditioner. Use a soft cloth in order to spread it around. Let the gloves completely dry before storing them. Always condition your leather gloves after cleaning them.

Regularly maintain your gardening gloves in order to keep them in good condition. Repair small holes or other damages you may have. Holes in cotton or synthetic knit gloves can be easily repaired with a needle and some thread. However, holes in latex gardening gloves cannot be fixed and you should replace them as soon as possible. Handling dangerous or toxic materials with them may be harmful.

Store your gardening gloves in a dry place in order to prevent mould and mildew from growing on them.