Cleaning melted plastic from various surfaces

It has undoubtedly happened, at least once in your life, that you forgot a plastic cutting board too close to the stove or you accidentally ended up melting a plastic item that unfortunately dripped onto another surface. Depending on the plastic, those spills can cause a sticky mess, release toxic fumes, and even cause a fire hazard. This is why it is essential that you completely remove any melted plastic residue from any surface it might have ended up on.
When attempting to remove any melted plastic residue, you should always make sure the area is well-ventilated and all electric appliances are turned off or unplugged.
If the affected area is more delicate, we recommend that you contact cleaning professionals to remove the plastic without unnecessary damage.

This article will talk about the ways in which you can remove melted plastic from a few different surfaces so keep reading if you have such an issue.

How to get rid of melted plastic residue from glass?

Ceramic glass cooktops remain hot for a while, even after being turned off. It is easy to forget a plastic item on top of them. In such cases, do not panic, turn your kitchen hood on and make sure the area is well-ventilated. That way, you will get rid of the toxic fumes while the cooktop cools down. Once it is cool, use a dull knife or a plastic scraper to remove as much of the melted plastic as possible. Be careful not to scratch or damage the surface of the glass. In order to remove the final bits of plastic, you will need a chemical-based cleaner to react with the plastic and break the bond with the glass. Here is what you can try:
Acetone/nail polish remover – Saturate the plastic residue with an acetone-based nail polish remover and allow it to work for 15 minutes before attempting to scrape it off.
Baking soda – For a more natural approach, make a paste by combining baking soda and a bit of water. Spread it on the melted plastic residue area. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then use a clean cloth or a sponge in order to gently scrub the residue off. The paste will act as an abrasive and will help you scrape the mess away easier.
WD-40 – If the previous two methods did not work, use a light coat of WD-40. Spread it on the area with the plastic residue and allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Scrape away with a plastic scraper or a safety razor at a 45-degree angle.

How to get rid of melted plastic residue from a stovetop burner?

Melted plastic mess may happen on stove gas burners as well. If that happens, turn on the vent fans as soon as possible. That will help remove any toxic fumes that may appear. If when the accident happens, your gas stove is still on, turn it off immediately. Before attempting to clean the mess, allow all elements to cool down completely. You will be able to remove all residue with your hands or a dull knife. Make sure to check for melted plastic in your drip pans which can be found under the stove burners.
When removing the remaining residue, turn your burners on the lowest setting (never above 2). The heat will soften the plastic and you will be able to scrape the mess away with a wooden spatula, spoon, or chopstick. As you are doing that, use a paper towel to wipe away any transferred residue so it does not transfer back onto the burner. Continue scraping until no more plastic is left on the burners. When done, keep the kitchen hood on and turn the stove all the way up. That way you will burn away any leftover plastic bits.

How to get rid of melted plastic residue from ovens?

If there is a melted plastic puddle on the bottom of your oven, you should always let your appliance completely cool down before attempting to clean it. You may need to repeat the following steps a few times until the mess is completely gone.
• Electrical ovens with porcelain finishes – Once the oven is cool, remove the metal racks. Grab some ice, place it in a plastic bag and place it on the melted plastic. When it hardens completely, use a safety razor or a plastic scraper to easily chop off the plastic residue.
• Gas oven – Turn the gas off. Remove the bottom panel by unscrewing the two screws at the back of the panel. Put some newspapers on a flat surface, and lay the panel down on top of them. Use some ice to harden the melted plastic residue and scrape it off with a plastic scraper/safety razor/dull knife.

How to get rid of melted plastic residue from metal finishes?

1. Freeze the plastic – if you can’t fit the whole item in the freezer, place a bag of ice on top of the melted plastic.
2. Scrape off the residue – Use a wooden or hard plastic scraper. Work slowly in order to avoid damaging the metal finish.
3. Baking soda – Make a paste of baking soda and a bit of water to remove any remaining bits of plastic. Apply the paste to the area, let it sit for a few minutes, and scrape it off with a scrubbing brush.