How to clean like a pro

If you found some spare time during the weekend, you certainly want to quickly get it over with the cleaning chores at home and get on with the rest of your free days. Pro cleaning techniques will help you achieve that in short order, while not compromising the quality of the work at the same time. Keep reading to see what things you can improve and how in order to begin cleaning like a real professional. You will save time and spare yourself a lot of effort.

While cleaning is not the favourite activity for most people, you can make it extremely efficient and powerful by simply developing the same techniques as professional cleaners. Not only will you be able to clean faster but the house will reach a whole new level of cleanliness. The key to that is organisation and better cleaning techniques.

  1. Gather the gear – While cleaning, you can waste a lot of time bringing different cleaning tools to the room, using them, then putting them away. Instead, gather all your cleaning tools and supplies and make yourself a cleaning caddy if you don’t have one. Put all the products you will be using in it, as well as all supplies. Furniture polish, glass cleaner, bleach, baking soda, and whatever else you like to use can go in one caddy while all your sponges, microfiber cloths, dusters, squeegees, etc. can go in another. Bring it with you when cleaning and get your vacuum cleaner along as well.
  2. Always start with the products – Tasks such as scrubbing toilets, shower walls, and removing hard water deposits or burnt-on food spills in the oven take some time. Give your products enough time to dissolve all the gunk and stains. Apply the product and let it sit while you tackle different tasks around the room. If you apply a toilet cleaning solution to your toilet, let it sit and get on with cleaning your mirror, sink, and taps in the meantime.
  3. Declutter, then clean – It is not possible to clean a place that is full of clutter. If you have books, cups, and other items on your coffee table for example will prevent you from being able to clean the actual surface. Cleaning professionals know the best, quickest, and most efficient way to deal with such situations. Always put away all the items that do not belong in the particular area first. Gather them in a box or a basket and put them away prior to cleaning or after. If you are cleaning their designated place, remove them, wipe them away, then wipe them away as well, and return them.
  4. Establish a pattern – If you often get lost while cleaning, you may find it easier to establish a cleaning pattern first. For example, always start with dusting and always do it from the top, working your way down. At the same time, work left to right. This is a great timesaving and organisational technique for kitchens and bathrooms and will help you cut your cleaning time shorter without compromising its quality.
  5. Skip the mop in the bathroom – Most bathrooms are small and it can be hard to manoeuvre a mop head around. If you struggle with such an issue, make things easier and use a rag instead. This way you will spare yourself the time and effort of filling buckets of water, mopping, etc.
  6. Dust first, vacuum last – We already mentioned how it is important to always dust in the beginning and do it from top to bottom. While you are dusting all your surfaces, the microfiber cloth you are using will collect most of the dust particles. However, some of them will end up falling and landing on the floor. It is best to leave vacuuming for the end. Whatever is left behind and ended up on the floor will be removed easily.
  7. Vacuum furniture – Professionals never skip upholstery when cleaning a place. It is important to vacuum and clean them as well, especially if you have pets or kids. Remove the cushions and vacuum behind, between, and underneath them. It is best if you use the upholstery attachment for your vacuum cleaner. With this step, you will make your upholstery look cleaner, and prolong its life. By doing this you will reduce the need to deep clean your furniture. Simply spot clean when needed, and only clean them thoroughly twice a year.
  8. Bring a rubbish bag – As you are cleaning, you will find bits of trash or other particles that belong in the rubbish. Bring a bin or a bag along and throw them all in. Whenever you find such items, simply put them in there. You will save yourself the trips to the rubbish bin every time you find something unnecessary. Make sure the bag you bring along is big enough to fit all the rubbish from the bins in your bathroom, office, bedroom, etc.